
Lamoille健康合作伙伴 now has 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccines for patients 5yrs and up. 要预约,请访问 佛蒙特州卫生部


新型冠状病毒肺炎助推器可用于 符合条件的 个人.  要预约,请访问 佛蒙特州卫生部



Testing at Lamoille健康合作伙伴 has never been easier!  参观 佛蒙特州卫生部 报名参加考试的网站.



For patients, family, and community members with questions

If you have questions about the COVID vaccine, you’re not al一个! Get the answers you need in this pre-recorded information session. Hosted by Lamoille健康合作伙伴 and presented by Dr. 梅丽莎·沃兰斯基首席医疗官.

观看完整的录音 观看集锦



For more information about symptoms, how to limit your risk, and the latest news, 请 visit

Patients with confirmed 新型冠状病毒肺炎 infection have reportedly had a mild-to-severe respiratory illness with symptoms of:

  • 发热
  • 咳嗽
  • 呼吸急促(气促)

The best way to protect yourself and your family from exposure include:


  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • 避免与病人密切接触.
  • 生病时呆在家里.
  • If some一个 in your house tests positive for 新型冠状病毒肺炎, stay home.


  • 在家工作或参加学校活动.
  • 保持社交距离. 避免大型聚会, 身体接触(握手), 吻, 拥抱), and maintain a distance of at least six feet with people not in your household.


  • Take active measures to reduce stress like exercising, 限制新闻消费, and maintaining your routines as best as possible.
  • 实践自我保健.
  • Stay connected virtually to friends, family, and co-workers.

If you have concerns about an upcoming appointment, 是否有流感样症状, 或者只是问一些具体的问题, 请 请致电您的Lamoille健康合作伙伴供应商.


If you have symptoms of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 and mild illness, you may stay home and treat your symptoms. Not every一个 exposed will need testing or medical treatment. If your symptoms worsen and you need to be seen by your doctor, 请提前打电话. Your doctor’s office will give you special instructions and prepare for your arrival so we can provide you the care you need while protecting others.

We also recommend that you continue taking any medications as prescribed, 除非你的医生另有指示. 如果您有任何疑问,请联系您的医生.

可能不是. It’s important to keep your medical appointments, especially if you have a chronic condition like diabetes, asthma, or heart disease. 你的医生会联系你的 if your appointments can be d一个 virtually through a Telemedicine visit or by ph一个. 否则,计划到办公室来.

是的! 对于必须亲自就诊的病人, we have a number of precautions in place for your safety, including frequent sanitation of surfaces and equipment and surgical face masks for all staff.

All waiting rooms and most exam rooms are reserved for well patients. Patients with fever or respiratory symptoms are provided a separate entrance, 外科口罩, 还有专门的检查室. Staff interacting with ill patients are using extra protective equipment. 每次检查后检查室都要消毒.

The earliest appointments are reserved for our most vulnerable patients (婴儿、老人和免疫功能低下者). Well-visits like check-ups for chronic conditions or acute conditions like injury may be scheduled at any time. Please arrive for your visit al一个, if possible, or with only 一个 服务员 if necessary.

Patients experiencing fever or respiratory symptoms will be scheduled only in the afternoons.

Patients can be seen al一个 or, if needed, may bring 一个 服务员.

我们的做法是公开的. Your doctor’s office may have changed their hours and/or are seeing patients remotely via telemedicine (a visit that takes place virtually over video or by ph一个). Please call the practice first to be advised how we can best serve you.

从2020年5月16日开始, we’ll resume seeing patients on Saturdays, either in office or by telehealth!


It’s important to keep your medical appointments, especially if you have a chronic condition like diabetes, asthma, or heart disease.

你的医生会联系你的 if your appointments can be d一个 virtually through a Telemedicine visit or by ph一个. We are performing virtual (Telemedicine) visits through a platform called FUSE. If you have a scheduled virtual appointment, you will receive an email with a link and instructions. A Lamoille健康合作伙伴’ team member will call you 10–15 minutes prior to your appointment to ensure you are ready or to provide assistance as needed.


Providing compassionate care for every一个 includes keeping our community safe and informed. We understand you and your loved 一个s may have concerns about the novel coronavirus, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 以及它会如何影响你的护理. Below are resources and frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you keep your family safe and healthy. 如果你的护理有变化, including virtual appointments or rescheduling, 您的供应商将与您联系. We will keep this page updated regularly with resources and information.